Your Market Positioning

Post #17

All companies occupy a specific place in the market. 

Let’s take the automotive industry for example. Some brands are considered Luxury (Lamborghini), some are considered Budget (Volkswagen), and some are considered Value (Audi). 

  • High Quality and High Price: Lamborghini and Porsche

  • High Quality and Medium Price: Audi

  • Medium Quality and Low Price: Volkswagen

All four automotive companies here are owned by Volkswagen AG, and thus, the strategy becomes a bit more clear. 

One company can have several brands that occupy different positions in the market. VW Group knows value can be derived from every part of the market, and develops brands to serve those customers. 

You too can show up differently depending on which market you’re in: 

  • High Energy and High Focus: Who you are at a networking event 

  • Medium Energy and High Focus: Who you are when playing video games 

  • High Energy and Medium Focus: Who you are when you’re partying

  • Low Energy and Medium Focus: Who you are when you’re relaxing and recovering

  • Low Energy and Low Focus: Who are you when you’re asleep

All of these attributes are still parts of you and one does not diminish the others, just like how Volkswagen group can own both Bugatti and VW. 

Occupy the personal brand that’s most suited to whichever situation you’re in, and you’ll successfully navigate the dynamics of that market.